These books are for nurses and other professionals in the medical field who want to use Spanish on the job. Due to the growing population of Spanish speakers, patients who speak Spanish as a native language has grown tremendously over the past few decades. Even fluent speakers of Spanish might be able to explain common daily tasks, but explaining medical terms like equipment, illnesses, medicines, and dosages requires more specialized vocabulary. These books can help workers learn language related to medical terms to use in situations when vocabulary of this nature is needed to communicate with patients and personnel in various healthcare settings.
Find materials on Spanish for nurses and medical professionals HERE.
Each book is different. Some of these texts provide language lessons, and others are essentially bilingual medical dictionaries. Some of the titles are for beginners of Spanish, and others are for more advanced speakers simply wishing to build their vocabulary with a focus on medical terminology. Read the descriptions and reviews carefully to find the book that contains the type of vocabulary and phrases you want to learn for the medical setting where you anticipate using Spanish language.